Best Singers, Best Writers, Best Musicians, Best Sounds

our jingle samples will be music to your ears

America's Best Jingles Are Always RedHot

Invest in a RedHot jingle and stretch your advertising dollars far past the original expense. Why? Because unlike many forms of advertising, a truly incredible musical jingle like the kind we create at RedHot plays over and over again in the mind of the consumer. In many cases, once it is stuck, it is stuck for good. That's why we put such great emphasis on truly memorable jingle hooks and (easy to sing) sing along style melodies. Choose a category below to listen to some great jingle samples.

Personal Injury Law Firms TRUST America's Jingle Pros to Make Their Advertising Dollars Work Harder.

Our lawyer jingles help build brand name top-of-mind recall and have proven results with more bang for your buck!

The Heat Is On! Connect With Customers With A Snappy New Plumbing Or HVAC Jingle Today!

With a great jingle everybody will be singing your tune. And you can be confident that customers will be calling your number first!

Dealers Nationwide Trust Us for Car Dealer Jingles That Connect With Customers.

Our car dealer jingles help build tuned-in audiences that result in top-of-mind recall and engaged buyers.

Jingle Categories / Playlists

Do you remember some of the classic jingles of our time? “You deserve a break today” for MacDonalds? “M’m, M’m Good” for Campbell’s Soup? Or “I wish I was an Oscar Mayer Weiner?”

These great commercial jingles noted in Advertising Age as among the top ten of the century have staying power and longevity that set the standard for the kind of work we do at RedHot today.

Not every jingle we produce will live in the hearts of listeners to the extent of Wrigley’s “Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun”, but that’s always what we are aiming for. It’s that mark of excellence that sets us apart from other cookie cutter shops in the commercial jingle industry. Remember, we agree that anyone with a guitar or piano can sing your company name – that does not necessarily equate to solid marketing and effective advertising or the mark of a truly great jingle.

Play Our Oldies But Goodies!

  1. Red Hot Sampler RedHot Jingles 3:42

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